Sunday, February 7, 2010

Decisions, decisions

Wow! There's so many decisions when it comes to quilting. Color, pattern, style, what kind of backing, binding and thread to use. I find it overwhelming. I'm the kind of person that when I go to the store to pick up a steak I can't just grab the first one that looks good to me, I have to look at every package so I know all my choices. It's the same way with quilting. I want to make a quilt for my nephew Mike and his bride-to-be Janet as a wedding gift. I'm not really sure what their "style" is. In fact I don't know if they even know?!Colors? Not sure either. Just know I want to shy away from the very bright or the baby soft colors that many of the masculine opinion in my family shake their head to "Ah, No!" At the same time I want to work with something I enjoy. So one decision made. I love the Denyse Schmidt line "Hope Valley" and have been searching for a project that I could make with it. This is it.
I plan on toning down some patterns with solids and shot cottons, and lots of white to keep it looking fresh and new.
I've been searching around flicker pools and blogspots to get an idea of a pattern for the quilt. I stopped at Lori Masons website. and feel inspired by her work . I love her new line she has out, especially the signal quilt.
I think my Hope Valley colors look similar so I'm going to give this a try. Here's my first block. This is going to be a king size quilt so I need to make 180 blocks. I need to do a lot of cutting so wish me luck!

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